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Showing: 51 - 64 of 64 RESULTS

Crosszone CZ-8A Hifi Headphones – Speaker Sound, Closed Back

Views 63,733 Crosszone CZ-8A is the latest headphone made by Crosszone, with 3 drivers, all of them dynamic, and in multiple sizes and are priced roughly 1700 USD, and mostly available on the Japanese and Asian markets. Those are some high-end over-the-ear flagship headphones with ingenious design, so they will …

Ultrasone Signature Studio – Exquisite – Eccentric – Excellent

Views 53,195 Ultrasone Headphones have always been in a league of their own, but their latest creation exceeds all expectations. Ultrasone Signature Studio is here to redefine Ultrasone’s position in the audio market.   Introduction Ultrasone is a well-known and well-reputed headphone company from Bavaria, Germany, who has been creating …

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