Views 31,401 ddHIFI TC44A is a $79 USD DAC / AMP with a CS43434 DAC wit a Type-C or Lightning port, and a 4.4mm Single Ended headphone output. Don’t mind too much the single ended part, it has all the poles for balanced cables and balanced headphones, but ddHIFI did …
LETSHUOER D13 Dynamic IEMs – Modular Balanced Sound
Views 21,872 LETSHUOER D13 is the name of today’s 119 USD pair of IEMs with a 13mm dynamic driver, a CNC drilled housing, and a modular cable, and they’ll be compared in today’s review with other high-quality IEMs, including Salnotes Dioko (99 USD), SeekReal Airship (179 USD), and IKKO OH2 …