Views 95,361 HIFIMAN Arya is a flagship headphone from HIFIMAN, a headphone with a unique signature that will literally blow your mind, but in a very specific way. It has a pretty good price point of 1600 USD, and its main competitors will be HIFIMAN HE6SE, Kennerton Thror, and Crosszone …
Hard To Drive
Final E5000 – Thick Sound Delight
Views 31,918 Final E5000 is the current upper midrange model from Final Audio, a IEM that promises to sound incredibly natural and fun, statements which we’re going to put to test in this review, as well as comparing them to other similarly priced IEMs. Introduction Final Audio is a huge …
Final Audio E4000 Review – Musically Magic
Views 28,830 We reviewed Final Audio E2000 and E3000 before and found out they were quite amazing for their price point. While E4000 is more expensive, it has detachable cables, and Final Audio promises a much better sound, so we’re going to put that to test today. Introduction Final …
Changing The Status Quo – Sennheiser HD660S Headphones Review
Views 60,958 Sennheiser HD600 and HD650 have both been emblems of quality in the audiophile world for almost ten years now, with HD660S coming to change that and bring a new headphone to the table. We’re having a look into what it brings to the table, and into how it …